Friday Favorites.
1. Grace finding my heart on Election Day.
2. Getting to paint each of the girls’ rooms in their favorite colors. They were such hard workers (even if they were easily distracted).
3. Going bowling with this awesome team!
4. Even picking out paint colors was super fun. I love the process of a project…
5. Is this not the cutest game? I adore Emma for making it. She created the monsters and did the whole thing just for our kid date together.
6. This sweet girl has the magic touch with babies and little kids of all kinds. I love to see her working her special gift.
7. Reading to my kids every night as they drift off to sleep. Right now, we’re reading Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry.
8. Making a “Happy Birthday” banner for a friend with the girls.
9. Seeing the girls hold their dad’s hand walking down a path
10. Watching Miriam with this sweet horse.
11. Getting to live in this gorgeous place with a rainbow of fall colors
12. Emma jumping up and down while her bowling ball went down the alley…every time she bowled
13. My awesome striped socks
*In case you missed: Dreams Come True in Your Backyard make sure to click here.
*AND! I just sent out a special weekend treat to all my special people on my list.
Want to be on my special people list? Put your name in the behind-the-scenes box at the top of the sidebar over here ——->
What are your Friday Favorites?
Make sure to sign up for all of the super fun stuff I send from the Familyness Fort!
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love love love 🙂
you and your family are adorable!!!
Our life is magical because of you!